Why You Need a Night Guard

Why You Need a Night Guard

You brush, you floss, you visit your dentist regularly - but are you doing everything you can to protect your teeth? If you’re not using a dental guard every single night, the answer might be no.

Let’s explore why this simple tool is a non-negotiable for your long-term oral health if you grind your teeth at night.

What Does a Night Guard Do?
If you’ve ever woken up with a sore jaw, headache, or a feeling that your teeth are slightly different than they were the night before, you might be experiencing the symptoms of teeth grinding or clenching, an uncomfortable condition known as bruxism.

Although many people aren’t aware that they have it, this nocturnal habit affects around 15% of the global population and can lead to severe dental issues down the road if not properly treated.

That’s where a night guard comes into play.
A night guard, essentially a protective mouthpiece, acts as a barrier between your upper and lower teeth.

When you clench or grind your teeth, the night guard absorbs the force, protecting your teeth and jaw from excessive damage and strain. Most people can make a conscious effort to avoid grinding their teeth during the day, but at night, our teeth are much more vulnerable to the effects of bruxism.

The Unseen Damage of Bruxism
The effects of teeth grinding aren’t always immediate, but over time, they add up. Consistent grinding can wear down your tooth enamel, the hard outer layer that protects against tooth decay.

Once enamel is gone, it’s gone for good, leaving your teeth vulnerable to cavities,
sensitivity, and a host of other painful but easily avoidable oral health issues.
Sleep bruxism can also lead to fractured or chipped teeth. The constant pressure and grinding caused by bruxism can weaken teeth, making them more susceptible to damage.

In addition to interfering with your teeth, bruxism can strain your jaw muscles and joints. This can manifest as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), leading to pain and discomfort in the jaw, headaches, and even earaches.

As you can probably tell by now, bruxism is a serious condition with effects that extend far beyond your smile.
Fortunately, the financial burden and discomfort of future dental procedures to treat bruxism can be easily avoided with a simple night guard.

A Good Night’s Sleep
Aside from protecting your teeth, a night guard can significantly improve the quality of your sleep.

By reducing the tension caused by clenching and grinding, you will find yourself waking up feeling more refreshed and pain-free. Adding a night guard into your oral care routine is a small change with a big impact on your overall well-being, which is why we actively promote the use of night guards here at DentoMore.

A Simple Addition to Your Nightly Routine
Incorporating a night guard into your nightly routine is very simple. Just like brushing and flossing, it will soon become a part of your oral care regimen. All you have to do is clean it every morning with your DentoMore Extra-Strength Retainer Cleaning Tablets, store it properly, and your night guard will be ready to protect your smile night after night.

Think of a night guard as a guardian for your smile while you sleep. It’s a small step you can take every single night to ensure that you wake up not just with a rested body and mind, but also with a well-protected smile.

At DentoMore, we encourage our customers not to wait for the uncomfortable symptoms of bruxism to start using a night guard. Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to your oral health. If you suspect you might be grinding your teeth, or if your dentist has mentioned signs of wear, it’s time to consider a night guard.

Fortunately, customisable night guards are available to buy over the counter and are very easy to mould in hot water. Please reach out to us at support@dentomore.com and we would be delighted to point you in the right direction.

A night guard is more than just a piece of plastic. It’s a crucial tool for maintaining your long-term oral wellness. By preventing the wear and tear caused by bruxism, a night guard will help keep your teeth healthy for as long as you use it.

You’ve worked so hard to have a bright, healthy smile, so why not give your teeth the protection they need when they’re most susceptible to the effects of bruxism?
We hope this article was helpful, and if you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@dentomore.com.

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